Torco Diesel Accelerator Online

Torco Diesel Accelerator
Torco Diesel Accelerator is a multifunctional, heavy-duty, diesel fuel additive specially formulated to provide complete injector cleanliness for better fuel economy and less engine maintenance, especially in today s modern high-pressure common rail injection engines. It also contains cetane improver to aid engine starting.Â
Torco Diesel Accelerator is safe for use in heavy-duty, diesel-powered equipment for on-road, off-road and marine use. It should be added to the tank prior to filling up to ensure a homogeneous additive fuel mixture. As with any fuel additive, exercise care by handling it in well-ventilated areas while wearing proper eye and skin protection. Refer to the SDS for more specific information.
This product qualifies for the USA EPA 40CFR80.591A certification meaning the product contains <15 ppm (mg L) sulfur.
This product has been specially formulated for use in today s modern diesel fuels and typical biodiesel blends. Please contact your Torco sales representative for more information.
Recommended Dosage 1oz to 10gal ( 30mL to 40L )
Key Performance Benefits
• Cleans up internal injector sticky deposits
• Prevents formation of internal injector sticky deposits
• Helps keep injectors clean for more efficient engine operation, reducing the extent of both power and emissions deterioration, meets the latest DW-10 performance test
• Improves ignition quality, raising cetane by up to 2 numbers for easier engine starts and faster dissipation of white smoke
• Increases lubricity, extending the life of critical fuel pump and injector parts
• Increases fuel stability and corrosion control, reducing filter plugging, sludge formation, and fuel system corrosion.
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